Wednesday 26 May 2021

Speech Reflection

To start term 2 in social studies our class was informed to write a speech about leadership, whose a leader to you and how to be a leader etc. We all had different perspective about what speech we wanted to create. I decided to create a similar speech to my English speech about heroes, I found this task quite hard because I didn't know what topic about leadership I should talk about but otherwise I knew that I should of finished it earlier so I could practice/prepare saying it.

 Leadership speech:

L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P! leadership
An example of leadership is shown after the rise or action one individual has made which has been recognised by others as leadership. Leadership characteristics are shown by our Prime Minister Jacinda Adern who led New Zealand by Navigating the Covid-19 pandemic, Responding to the Christchurch shootings and now improving women's rights.  Another example would be the National Young Leaders Conference, a New Zealand event where others are dedicated to spark the leadership potential inside every young person through practical and inspiring events.  Both examples are leadership either by being a campaign which inspires young children to become leaders and a leader who doesn’t do things for the country but for the people.  Oprah Winfrey, Kate Sheppard,Jacinda ardern all who have leadership characteristics in their own unique but way by you now may be wondering what is a leader? Everyone has their own definition of a leader either someone who helps you catch up in work, someone who takes the role in a school project etc . Everyone has their own type of leader. A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved. Leaders work together making their future a reality and continue to do so while putting people first and a leader is someone who people choose to follow for a better vision for themselves and others. WE are leaders and together we create a difference. A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. 
Thank you.

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